Thank you, for enriching my life. That I had the opportunity to get to know you. Everything you taught me, all the joy and all the adventures we've been through. All the love I've gotten and the fun crazy we've been through. I am eternally humble. Always in my heart.
Berningstons Widunder - a.k.a. Theo.
Skk Reg nr: Se27489/2011
Born: 2011-02-04.
Aod: 2020-06-07 - Carcinoma.
Hd: A. Ed: O/1.
DM-Degenerative Myelopathy. Free.
HS-test. Index: A.
High: 68,5cm
Mother: Berningtons Yuba Yubalong Aod.7,8 year. Lymfom.
Father: Berner Ranchen´s Baron Otto. Aod.9,5 year- gastro intestinal problem.
Tjh - ´Tjänstehund/ patrullhund.
(Service dog / patrol dog)
RLD N -Rally lydnadsdiplom Nybörjare.
(Rally Obedience Diploma Beginners)
RLD F -Rally lydnadsdiplom Fortsättning.
(Rally Obedience Diploma Continued)
LP1 - Lydnads diplom 1.
(Obedience Diploma 1)
Godkänd eftersökt hund.
(Approved search dog)
Danish champion
Danish veteran champion
Swedish champion
Norwegian champion
Finnish champion
Nordic Champion
Nordic show Champion
Nordic Winner 2012, 2018
Europe Winner 2015
Danish breed winner 2019
Copenhagen winner 2019
Danish veteran winner 2019
My dog 2020. BIS Veteran 4. BIG 2
MY dog 2020 BIS Veteran 2. BIG 3
BIS Veteran Denmark/Roskilde 2019
BIS DenmarkRoskilde 2019
Ballerup Denmark2019- BIS Veteran 2
BIS - Breed spec. Ängelholm 2017
Performed BPH - with positive attetyd
MH- Approved mental status. - Bulletproof 1.
Approved Predisposition in Surveillance.
Accepted predisposition Game tracks
Approved functional control SBK Armed Forces 2017
Passed Functional Control SBK Armed Forces , sharp search 2018(2019)
Exhibition winner Swedish Sennenhund Club. Male.
2019 - Place number 7. Veteran Place Number 4.
2018- Place nummer 2
2017 - Place number 3
2016 - Not exhibited due to injuries.
2015 - Place number 3
2014 - Place number 3(2)
2013 - Place number 4 (3)
2012 - Place number 5.